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Agrocheminiai planai

Winter Wheat

Target harvest 7

Lets decide the target harvest to pursue.

the need for attaining yield 175 84 140 14

The program will provide nutrient demand for target harvest.

elements brought with the fertilizer 175 75 136 29

The program calculates quantities of active elements

Lets choose fertilizers

We will select stages and at what intervals to spread fertilizer

We will always know the prices for fertilizers and fertilization

Date Fertilizers Rate, kg/ha Fertilizer price, €/t Hectare price
2016-09-08 NPK 4-16-34 3S (500) mix 400 300 120
2017-04-05 Ammonium nitrate NP 33-3 200 200 40
2017-04-06 Ammonium sulphate 120 190 22.8
2017-04-28 Ammonium nitrate NP 33-3 150 200 30
2017-05-25 Ammonium nitrate (N-34) 100

We will choose fertilizer rate

200 20

Lets select sowing date.


Lets select a breed

2016-09-09 DAGMAR
Category C2
Seed price, €/t 300
Recommended fertile seed amount, mln/ha 4

Taking into account the seed size, germination, purity, sowing time, we decide what crop density we want

Required seed amount, kg/ha 191.39

Program will calculate seed rate.

Seed price 1 ha, €/ha 57.42

Our expenses on seeds

We'll create a detailed chemical protection plan

We'll be able to analyze spraying costs in many dimensions

Only embracing the entire spraying plan, we will be able to make rational decisions, quickly add, remove or change the rates.

Product Rate Product price Hectare price Total
BBCH 25 mid-tillering
NPK 13-40-13 + TE 3 1.68 5.04

Spraying price for
1 ha

Agroplus for grain 330 0.5 9.77 4.89
AGROPLUS Siera 1 3.33 3.33
Cycocel 750 1 3

Product price for 1 ha


We'll select spraying date.


Program will help us to precisely identify the plant phase.

BBCH 31 first node risen from the tillering node more than 1 cm
Carbamide 10 0.22 2.2 17.17
Agroplus for grain 330 0.5 9.77 4.89

We will choose the necessary products

0.2 46.28 9.26
PAM extra 0.2 4.12 0.82
BBCH 32 second node risen from the first node more than 2 cm
Micronutrient fertilizer 0... 0...
Fungicide 0... 0...
Growth regulator 0... 0...
BBCH 39 the last leaf stage - visible tongue
Micronutrient fertilizer 0... 0...
Fungicide 0... 0...
Growth regulator 0... 0...
BBCH 61 beginning of the flowering
Fungicide 0... 0...
Insekticidas 0... 0...
Paviršiaus aktyvi medžiaga 0... 0...